Queerearrup Lake

GPS 33 30 54 S, 117 13 26 E




Toilets available Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Fire places or BBQs available Water available Caravan access possible Big rig access possible Pets allowed on leash Boat launching possible Swimming allowed Water ski site Sight seeing area Unpowered water craft allowed




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Queerearrup Lake is one of a chain of lakes running south west from the town of Wagin.

The lakes are the last vestige of what was once a large river system. Occasionally there will be enough rain for the lakes to overflow and this can allow water to flow into the Beaufort River.

The name comes from the local Abroiginal language with 'Queer' being the name of the brush wallaby, and 'up' meaning place of. Where the 'ear' part comes from remains unexplained.

The lake is designated for recreation and as such there is a boat ramp, shelters, tables, seats, BBQs, water tanks and toilets.

Water skiing is popular on the lake when the water level is high enough. Even with a depth of up to 2 metres, the lake can dry out completely in periods of drought.

Although the lake is saline, it still attracts a number of bird species including black swans. Although is is said that freshwater fish species died out in the 70s due to salinity, the presence of kingfishers may suggest that fish have started breeding in the lake again in recent years.

There is little native vegetation around the lake and just a thin ring of mostly melaleuca trees around most of it. Farmland dominates the area and accounts for the rising salinity due to land clearing.

Camping at the lake is allowed although the parking area is relatively small and most of it is uneven. If camping in a motorhome it would be advisable to have some levelling blocks on board.

Dogs are allowed at the lake on a leash and currently camp fires are not permitted until further notice.

The nearby Kenmare Hall is worth visiting as the hall is open to visitors and contains a number of interesting historic photos and documents. The hall also has toilets available.



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