Lake Stockton - Western Australia


GPS 33 23 04 S 116 13 42 E





Entry fee and / or camping fee charged Toilets available Fire places or BBQs available Tent camping sites Caravan access possible Big rig access possible Pets allowed on leash Boat launching possible Swimming allowed Water ski site Walk trails Phone access nearby Ranger or caretaker on site or visits




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Stockton Lake is situated 7 kilometres east of the town of Collie.

There are 4 main camping areas. The first campsite is on the left as you drive in.

The second is along the shone near the, now closed, boat ramp.

The third is along the right hand side of the track leading to the boat ramp and this area in particular is suited to tents, as there is plenty of shade.

The final campsite is in the bush near the old underground mine entry.

It is likely there are other sites around the many tracks leading away from the lake but these 4 main sites have easy access to toilets and bins.

What today is known as Stockton Lake started its life as and underground coal mine.

The underground mine operated from 1927 to 1960 and an open cut mine operated from 1943 to 1957.

From 1939 to 1941, four miners were killed due to collapses in the mine.

The entrance structure that used to lead to underground operations is still located in the bush east of the lake.

The underground workings are still largely intact and parts are still connected to the lake. This means the whole underground section of the mine is flooded.

We have seen some video online of divers heading down to explore the old mine shafts but silt in the mines is very bad and visibility quickly becomes zero when the silt is disturbed.

Diving in such conditions is only for the most experienced and well prepared divers.

Guide lines are an essential element of these dives for divers to find their way out of the labyrinth of tunnels.

Today Stockton Lake is a major recreation area just a couple of hours drive from Perth.

Access to the lake is via the Collie to Darkan Road and Piavanini Road.

Dogs are allowed on a leash and campfires are permitted in the fire rings provided outside of fire ban season. Fire bans may be enacted outside of the normal season so check for signs advising you of the current status as you drive in to the campsite.

The site is administered by the Department of Parks and Wildlife and fees apply for camping.

Facilities include Toilets and bins.

The campsite can become crowded and noisy on weekends and public holidays times as it is close to large population centres.

Although swimming is allowed in the lake, the water is slightly acidic so it is not recommended to stay in the water for any great length of time.

The campsites cannot be booked and are available on a first come, first served basis.

Water skiing was once popular on the lake but the boat ramp is now closed due to the collapse of a bank and with the proximity of the excellent water skiing facilities at Lake Kepwari, it seems unlikely that there will be any move to repair the ramp.

Kayaking and canoeing are still a popular way to enjoy the lake.

GPS : 33 22 59 S 116 13 38 E



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