Dardanup Heritage Park






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The park it isn't far from Bunbury and can be reached via the Outer Ring Road and then south into Moore Road. Watch for the sign as you drive south on Moore Road.

The entry fee wasn't what I would call cheap but it will soon become apparent that it is more than justified when you see the vast array of exhibits in the park.

The park is probably the best single attraction in the area eclipsing even the wonder of Gnomesville. It is by far the best privately operated museum of its type that we have seen anywhere in W.A.

The collection of vehicles, machinery and memorabilia at the Heritage Park is really second to none. I would suggest that you don't go for a short visit because if you really want to enjoy this place, set aside at least two or three hours or even more.

The park opens on Sundays and Wednesdays from 9:30am to 4pm. I think it would be great if it was open more days in the week as I am sure many visitors miss out if they are not in the area during the opening times.

We shot plenty of footage at the park and will be producing a video showing you why you really should take the time to visit.

Most of the vehicles and machinery have been fully restored to working condition and it is great to see some of the vehicles being driven around. There are also live demonstrations of Tangye engines and for those who are interested in military history, the Bunbury RSL has a wonderful military collection housed in the drill hall.

This was my favourite exhibit as I have always had an interest in military equipment and history. The curator, Gerry Tyrrell, is great to talk to. He has a wealth of knowledge about the exhibits and if I had time, I would have loved to stop and chat with him a lot longer.

The drill hall houses a Leopard tank and this is one of the very few in the world that you can actually have a look inside.

If you need a break during your visit to the park, I would recommend a coffee and cake or a lunch break at the café. You will probably need a bit of a rest at some stage as there is just so much to see. I honestly cannot recommend this place highly enough. If you are in the area make sure you are there either Sunday or Wednesday. If you aren't in the area, plan a trip and go!


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Dardanup Heritage Park


Dardanup Heritage Park


Dardanup Heritage Park


Dardanup Heritage Park







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